"i am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life." - elsie de wolfe
i'm suzanne, otherwise known as suzaluna. i am a nature loving soul who loves to create & creates to live.
i say this because i am always creating something. ideas are constantly flowing through my mind, my hands ready to start transforming these ideas into reality the minute i am ready.
i have shared the above quote from elsie de wolfe because i feel these words very deeply. there is so much in this world that causes us stress, anxiety & worry. it is so easy to get lost in our fears that we can forget there is still so much beauty to be found. as an artist, i want to fill the world with as much beauty as possible.
my story
i have been making art since i was a very young child. my incredibly talented grandmother was my very first art teacher. some of my earliest memories are of her art studio... if i close my eyes, i can still smell her oil paints & see her beautiful paintings stacked up against all of the walls.
making art is just one of my loves though. music, tarot cards, the moon, astrology, animals, vegetarian cooking & being outside in mother nature are also some of my deepest loves.
i have created this website as a way of sharing some of my art & my loves with you. if you have questions for me, please reach out, i'd love to hear from you. suzaluna@gmail.com
be sure to visit my three etsy shops to see all of my creations: